
Ever wondered about the essence of Mathematics, its methods, conclusions, and interconnectedness with other subjects? Our program explores these questions and many others.

a math student solves a problem on a blackboard

About This Program

  • Our program has three purposes: to enhance your general education, to provide supplemental courses to majors in the behavioral, social, and natural sciences, and to serve as its own mathematics major program.  
  • We offer a Combined Masters program for those interested in gaining a graduate degree in the subject. In addition to gaining your bachelor's degree, receive a master's degree in Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Statistics and Operations Research, math education, or pure mathematics. 
  • Our classes focus on creative problem-solving, analytical skills, and connecting math to other subject disciplines. (Ever wondered how math connects to art? We have a class for that!) 
  • This program is part of The Claremont Colleges’ Intercollegiate Mathematics program. 

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group


Program Type

Area of Study

Mathematics & Our Values

Pitzer’s core values are woven throughout all of our academic programs. Learn how our Math program addresses the value of interdisciplinary learning.

Interdisciplinary Learning

The co-taught course Limitless Boundaries: The Art and Math of Surfaces explores topological questions using clay and other materials to better understand shapes and surfaces and challenges students to think in multiple dimensions.

30% Of STEM Majors

Take a minor in another interdisciplinary subject area.

45 Interdisciplinary Math Courses

Offered throughout the five Claremont Colleges

View Course Catalog
a math-inspired art show display

Get Involved

Caro harwell works on a math problem with an instructor


Caro Harwell ‘24 and Charlotte Richards ‘25 (pictured) joined Pitzer mathematics professor Bahar Acu at Nesin Mathematics Village in Turkey to teach geometric topology as well as take classes in abstract algebra to further their learning.

Read About Mathematics Village
Students walk to class in front of the Grove House

Campus Resources

The Claremont Center for Mathematical Sciences (CCMS) is a 7C organization that promotes collaborative learning and teaching throughout the Colleges. Take part in math-related workshops and lectures or connect with the math community through its service-oriented events. 

CCMS Website

Mathematics Program Details

View Course Catalog

What You Will Learn

  1. A broad range of math topics.
  2. How to construct logical, well-written, elegant proofs of math theorems.
  3. How to use math as a problem-solving tool in the real world.
  4. How to work collaboratively to solve problems.
  5. How to connect and communicate ideas about math effectively.
  6. Understand how math is connected to other areas of study.
  7. How to use technology to explore math.
  8. The skills needed to prepare you for graduate school or employment in a math-related field. 

Learn More

Visit the Mathematics Field Group page for more information and resources. 

Mathematics Field Group

A major in mathematics can be obtained by taking courses at Pitzer and the other Claremont Colleges.

A student must take a total of 14 courses for the Mathematics major, distributed as follows:

  1. Calculus (3 courses)
    • Three semesters of calculus (MATH 030 PZ, MATH 031 PZ and MATH 032 PZ) with grades of C or better in each course. In some cases, a suitable score on the Pitzer Mathematics Placement exam, or Calculus AP exam, may be substituted for one or more of these courses.
  2. Core (3 courses)
    • Linear Algebra (i.e. MATH 060 PZ )
    • Differential Equations or a Mathematical Modeling course making extensive use of differential equations. (i.e. MATH 102 PZ )
    • MATH 055 PZ – Discrete Mathematics
  3. Depth and Breadth (5 courses)
    Five additional upper division mathematics courses (numbered 100 or above) chosen in consultation with the advisor. Ideally, these courses will expose the student to the major areas of mathematics as well as provide depth in at least one area.
  4. Applications and Connections (2 courses)
    Two courses outside of mathematics that emphasize the application of mathematics or its connections to other disciplines: for example, courses in Computer Science, Science, Engineering, and History or Philosophy of Mathematics. These courses will be chosen in consultation with the adviser and normally will have mathematics courses from I, II, or III as prerequisites.
  5. Communication ( 1 Course)
  • Mathematics Forum (MATH 198 PZ ).


  • Students will be recommended for Honors at graduation if their overall grade point average is 3.5 or above, if their grade point average in Mathematics is 3.5 or above and if they satisfactorily complete a Senior Thesis of honors quality. 
  • The Senior Thesis will be approved by the student’s Pitzer Mathematics adviser and normally completed under the supervision of a faculty member at the Claremont Colleges.

A combined major in mathematics is aimed at students who want to combine the study of mathematics with work in another field. This condensed course of study requires a student to take 10 courses.

  • Calculus — Take all of the following courses:
    • MATH 030 PZ — Calculus I
    • MATH 031 PZ — Calculus II
    • MATH 032 PZ — Calculus III
  • Core Courses — Take all of the following courses:
    • MATH 055 PZ — Discrete Mathematics
    • MATH 060 PZ — Linear Algebra
    • MATH 102 PZ — Differential Equations/Modeling
  • Four upper-division math courses that address points of intersection between mathematics and the other major chosen in consultation with mathematics faculty advisors
  • A senior thesis (MATH 199 PZ) drawing together mathematics and other major


Students will be recommended for Honors at graduation if their overall grade-point average is 3.5 or above, if their grade-point average in Mathematics is 3.5 or above and if they satisfactorily complete a Senior Thesis of honors quality. The Senior Thesis will be approved by the student’s Pitzer Mathematics advisor and normally completed under the supervision of a faculty member at the Claremont Colleges.

The mathematics minor requires the student to take six letter-graded courses: 

  • Single Variable Calculus (MATH 031 PZ)
  • Multivariable Calculus (MATH 032 PZ)
  • Discrete Mathematics (MATH 055 PZ)
  • Linear Algebra (MATH 060 PZ)

along with two additional courses (which cannot include precalculus or Calculus I) in Mathematics, at least one of which must be upper-division (numbered 100 or above), to be chosen by the student in consultation with a member of the Mathematics faculty. Finally, Math Forum (MATH 198 PZ), a no-credit course designed to provide experience in mathematical exposition and presentations for math majors/minors, needs to be completed.

Students must earn a letter grade of C-minus or better in each of the mathematics courses required for the minor.

Students who satisfy the requirement for Calculus II and/or III by placement or by AP credit may constitute the six required letter-graded courses by additional mathematics courses (which cannot include courses designed to prepare students for calculus), by computer science courses, or by courses with mathematics prerequisites in science, economics, or history and philosophy of mathematics.

Pitzer College and Claremont Graduate University offer combined programs leading to both a bachelor of arts degree and a master of arts degree in one of the following: 

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Scientific Computing
  • Statistics and Operations Research
  • Teaching of Mathematics
  • Pure Mathematics 

Students who are interested in one or more of these programs should consult with the mathematics faculty early in their undergraduate years.

Mathematics Faculty

portrait of professor bahar acu

Bahar Acu

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
portrait of david Bachman

David Bachman

  • Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
portrait of Jemma Loretta

Jemma Lorenat

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
No profile image for Shriya Nagpal

Shriya Nagpal

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics
  • Mathematics Field Group
No profile image for Ali Oudich

Ali Oudich

  • Mathematics Field Group
No profile image for Jane Panangaden

Jane Panangaden

  • Mathematics Field Group

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